Taylor’s HS Senior Session Columbia County NY HS Senior Photographers

Taylor will be graduating this upcoming June from Chatham HS.  While in school, Taylor has been an avid Golf player.  She plans to attend college, but is currently undecided on what to study.  We met up on a beautiful fall evening at June Farms.  We were able to not only capture the foliage and gorgeous…


Jacob’s HS Senior Session Columbia County NY Photographers

Jacob will be graduating this upcoming June from Chatham HS.  While in school, he enjoyed playing Soccer and Baseball.  We wish him the best of times finishing his Senior Year and the best of luck from his future.  


Lauren’s HS Senior Session Albany NY HS Senior Photographers

Lauren is a HS Senior who is graduating this upcoming June from Coxsackie-Athens.  In school, Lauren enjoyed playing softball and field hockey and also helped out at the local firehouse.  She has already been accepted into the RN program at Columbia-Greene Community College.  We wish here much success in her future. Always have to have…